Structure globale d'un Manifest

Métadonnées descriptives

								// Métadonnées techniques
								"@context": "",
								"id": "identifiant",
								"type": "Manifest",
								// Métadonnées descriptives
								"metadata": [
										"label": { "en": ["Author"] },
										"value": { "none": ["Anne Author"] }
								"summary": { "fr": "Description de la ressource" },
								"requiredStatements": [],
								"rights": [],
								"provider": [],
								"thumbnail": [],
								// ...
Structure globale d'un manifeste IIIF

Structure globale d'un Manifest

Métadonnées techniques

								// Métadonnées techniques
								"@context": "",
								"id": "identifiant",
								"type": "Manifest",
								// Plus de métadonnées techniques
								"width": 300,
								"height": 300,
								"language": [],
								"duration": 300,
								"viewing-direction": "right-to-left",
								"behavior": "continuous | paged",

								// Métadonnées descriptives
								// ...
Structure globale d'un manifeste IIIF

Structure globale d'un Manifest

Liens vers des ressources externes et internes

								// Liens vers des ressources externes
								"@context": "",
								"id": "identifiant",
								"type": "Manifest",
								// Liens vers des ressources externes et internes
								"homepage": [],
								"logo": [],
								"rendering": [],
								"service": [],
								"seeAlso": [],

								"partOf": [],
								"start": [],

								// Métadonnées descriptives et techniques
								// ...
Structure globale d'un manifeste IIIF

Sequence et métadonnées de structure: canvas

        "@context": "",
        "id": "identifiant",
        "type": "Manifest",
        // Métadonnées descriptives, techniques et liens

        // Liste (ou Sequence) de Canvas
        "items": [
					"id": "",
					"type": "Canvas",

						// Liste d'AnnotationPages
						"items": [
								"id": ""
								"type": "AnnotationPage",

								// Liste d'Annotations
								items: [
										"id": "",
										"type": "Annotation",
										"motivation": "painting"
Structure globale d'un manifeste IIIF

Sequence et métadonnées de structure: structures

        "@context": "",
        "id": "identifiant",
        "type": "Manifest",
        // Métadonnées descriptives, techniques et liens

		// Définition de structures (ie. Table de matières)
		"structures": [
			"id": "",
			"type": "Range",
			"items": [ { ... } ]

        // Liste (ou Sequence) de Canvas
        "items": [{ ... }]
Structure globale d'un manifeste IIIF

Sequence et métadonnées de structure: annotations

        "@context": "",
        "id": "identifiant",
        "type": "Manifest",
        // Métadonnées descriptives, techniques et liens

		// Annotations qui ne sont pas destinées à afficher un contenu dans le canvas.
		"annotations": [
			"id": "",
			"type": "AnnotationPage",
			"items": [ { ... } ]

        // Liste (ou Sequence) de Canvas
        items: [{ ... }]
Structure globale d'un manifeste IIIF

Tous les contenus sont des Annotations que l'on peut regrouper dans des AnnotationPages.

Web Annotation

Une Web Annotation décrit un modèle structuré et un format permettant de partager et de réutiliser des annotations sur différentes plateformes matérielles et logicielles. Les cas d'utilisation courants peuvent être modélisés de manière simple et pratique, tout en permettant en même temps de répondre à des exigences plus complexes, notamment la liaison de contenu arbitraire à un point de données spécifique ou à des segments de ressources multimédias chronométrées.

Modèle de la Presentation API

... de Grâce, un exemple !

Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe quand on cherche à décrire un livre ?

				"@context": "",
				"id": "",
				"type": "Manifest",
				"label": { "en": [ "Book 1" ] },

				// Métadonnées descriptives
				"metadata": [
					"label": { "en": [ "Author" ] },
					"value": { "none": [ "Anne Author" ] }
					"label": { "en": [ "Published" ] },
					"value": {
					  "en": [ "Paris, circa 1400" ],
					  "fr": [ "Paris, environ 1400" ]
				"summary": { "en": [ "Book 1, written be Anne Author, published in Paris around 1400." ] },
				"thumbnail": [
					"id": ",100/0/default.jpg",
					"type": "Image",
					"format": "image/jpeg",
					"service": [
						"id": "",
						"type": "ImageService3",
						"profile": "level1"
				"navDate": "1856-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"rights": "",
				"requiredStatement": {
				  "label": { "en": [ "Attribution" ] },
				  "value": { "en": [ "Provided by Example Organization" ] }
				"provider": [
					  "id": "",
					  "type": "Agent",
					  "label": { "en": [ "Example Organization" ] },
					  "homepage": [
						  "id": "",
						  "type": "Text",
						  "label": { "en": [ "Example Organization Homepage" ] },
						  "format": "text/html"
					  "logo": [
						  "id": "",
						  "type": "Image",
						  "format": "image/png",
						  "service": [
							  "id": "",
							  "type": "ImageService3",
							  "profile": "level2"
					  "seeAlso": [
						  "id": "",
						  "type": "Dataset",
						  "format": "application/ld+json",
						  "profile": ""

				// Métadonnées techniques
				"viewingDirection": "right-to-left",
				"behavior": [ "paged" ],

				// Liens externes
				"homepage": [
					"id": "",
					"type": "Text",
					"label": { "en": [ "Home page for Book 1" ] },
					"format": "text/html"
				"service": [
					"id": "",
					"type": "ExampleExtensionService",
					"profile": ""
				"seeAlso": [
					"id": "",
					"type": "Dataset",
					"format": "text/xml",
					"profile": ""
				"rendering": [
					"id": "",
					"type": "Text",
					"label": { "en": [ "Download as PDF" ] },
					"format": "application/pdf"

				// Liens internes
				"partOf": [
					"id": "",
					"type": "Collection"
				"start": {
				  "id": "",
				  "type": "Canvas"
				"items": [
					"id": "",
					"type": "Canvas",
					"label": { "none": [ "p. 1" ] },
					"height": 1000,
					"width": 750,
					"items": [
						"id": "",
						"type": "AnnotationPage",
						"items": [
							"id": "",
							"type": "Annotation",
							"motivation": "painting",
							"body": {
							  "id": "",
							  "type": "Image",
							  "format": "image/jpeg",
							  "service": [
								  "id": "",
								  "type": "ImageService3",
								  "profile": "level2",
								  "service": [
									  "@id": "",
									  "@type": "AuthCookieService1"
							  "height": 2000,
							  "width": 1500
							"target": ""
					"annotations": [
						"id": "",
						"type": "AnnotationPage"
					"id": "",
					"type": "Canvas",
					"label": { "none": [ "p. 2" ] },
					"height": 1000,
					"width": 750,
					"items": [
						"id": "",
						"type": "AnnotationPage",
						"items": [
							"id": "",
							"type": "Annotation",
							"motivation": "painting",
							"body": {
							  "id": "",
							  "type": "Image",
							  "format": "image/jpeg",
							  "service": [
								  "id": "",
								  "type": "ImageService3",
								  "profile": "level2"
							  "height": 2000,
							  "width": 1500
							"target": ""
				"structures": [
					"id": "",
					"type": "Range",
					"label": { "en": [ "Table of Contents" ] },
					"items": [
						"id": "",
						"type": "Range",
						"label": { "en": [ "Introduction" ] },
						"supplementary": {
						  "id": "",
						  "type": "AnnotationCollection"
						"items": [
							"id": "",
							"type": "Canvas"
							"type": "SpecificResource",
							"source": "",
							"selector": {
							  "type": "FragmentSelector",
							  "value": "xywh=0,0,750,300"
				"annotations": [
					"id": "",
					"type": "AnnotationPage",
					"items": [
						"id": "",
						"type": "Annotation",
						"motivation": "commenting",
						"body": {
						  "type": "TextualBody",
						  "language": "en",
						  "value": "I love this manifest!"
						"target": ""
D'autres exemples seront donnés lors de l'atelier avec Camille !
Merci de votre attention.